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Writer's pictureJessica Webber

Get the Best from Your Summer Vegetables

Updated: Apr 18, 2021

I'm going to share with you a few of my favorite Summer vegetables and the health benefits they provide.

Vegetables are one of the most natural foods and contain different vitamins, minerals and thousands of other plant chemicals known to provide health benefits. Eating vegetables can reduced many diseases.

Summer is prime growing season for vegetables. We know they are good for us. But what are they really good for?

Corn is one of my all time favorite crop of Summer. Fresh corn goes great in green salads and potato salads. I am guilty of slathering it with butter though. However, I'm hoping this tid bit of information will help balance it out. I can always try can't I?

In addition to fiber, corn contains disease-fighting phytochemicals as well as the minerals magnesium and potassium. A medium ear has fewer than 100 calories.

Cucumbers are really great. Full of water components to keep you hydrated and no calories! Add them to a sandwich or wrap for a little bit of a crunch. They go great in tuna salad or chicken salad too. Another delicious food that is low in calories and contains a good amount of water and soluble fiber, making this another weight loss helper.


I know I know, tomatoes are technically a fruit. However, they are most frequently grouped with vegetables. So, today they identify as vegetables.

I haven't always liked tomatoes. Always thought they were gross and slimey as a kid. My taste buds have changed and now I love to cook with them. Fried Green Tomatoes dipped in Ranch is truly a Summertime treat.

Tomatoes can help prevent cancer like many other fresh foods. It also can help regulate your blood pressure. They are rich in fiber and low in calories. Therefore, tomatoes are an excellent choice when eating for weight loss.

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